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AAPT Exams
1997 Physics Quiz Bowl (1-20)

Constants        Formulas         Answers

A force F directed at an angle of q above the horizontal is used to pull a crate a distance D across a level floor. The work done by the force F is

B. FD cos
C. FD sin
D. mg sin
E. mgD cos

2. An electric current flows through a horizontal wire from left to right as shown in the accompanying diagram.

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Which option best represents the direction of the magnetic field at P?

A. into the page
B. out of the page
C. to the right of the page
D. toward the top of the page
E. toward the bottom of the page

3. A student working on an energy conservation problem has The student has solved for obtained the answer 50 J s²/m².

A. energy
B. force
C. mass
D. velocity
F. work

4. Which station broadcasts with 3
.27 m radio waves?

A. 91.7 MHz
B. 92.5 MHz
C. 98.5 MHz
D. 102.5 MHz
E. 106.3 MHz

5. Point charges 1 and 2 have equal magnitude. The diagram below shows the electric field lines surrounding them.

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Which of the following statements is true?

A. Charge 1 is positive, charge 2 is negative.
B. Charge 1 is negative, charge 2 is positive.
C. Both charges 1 and 2 are positive.
D. Both charges 1 and 2 are negative.
E. Both charges 1 and 2 have the same sign, but it is impossible to tell which.

6. A charged rod is placed between two insulated conducting spheres as shown. The spheres have no net charge.

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Region II has the same polarity as Region

A. I only
B. III only
C. IV only
D. I & II only
E. I & IV only

7. A narrow beam of monochromatic light enters a lens parallel to the optic axis, as shown in the accompanying diagram.

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Which arrow best represents the direction of the light after leaving the lens?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E

8. Cart 1 and cart 2 are held together as shown in the diagram to the right. Cart 2 is more massive than cart 1.

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As they are forced apart by the release of a compressed spring, which of the following quantities will have the same magnitude for both carts?

A. acceleration
B. change of velocity
C. force
D. speed
E. velocity

9. At a certain time, an object in free fall has velocity 4
.0 m/s in the upward direction. What is the approximate velocity of the object one second later?

A. 14 m/s up
B. 10 m/s up
C. 4.0 m/s up
D. 6.0 m/s down
E. l0 m/s down

10. A compressed spring has 16 J of potential energy. What is the maximum speed it can impart to a 2
.0-kg object?

A. 2.8 m/s
B. 4.0 m/s
C. 5.6 m/s
D. 8.0 m/s
E. 16 m/s

11. What does the "?" represent in the nuclear reaction
21H+ 21H ® 32He +?

A. an a
B. a
C. a
D. a neutron
E. a proton

12. Two artificial satellites, 1 and 2, are put into circular orbit at the same altitude above Earth's surface. The mass of satellite 2 is twice the mass of satellite 1. If the period of satellite 1 is T
what is the period of satellite 2?

A. ¼T
B. ½T
C. T
D. 2T
E. 4T

13. A small sphere is moving in a vertical circle at constant speed. The magnitude of the net force on the sphere

A. at the bottom of the loop is greater than the net force at the top.
B. at the top of the loop is greater than the net force at the bottom.
C. increases as the sphere moves from the bottom to the top.
D. decreases as the sphere moves from the bottom to the top.
E. is the same at the top of the loop as it is at the bottom of the loop.

14. A 5000-kg freight car moving at 4.0 km/h collides and couples with an 8000-kg freight car which is initially at rest. The approximate common final speed of these two cars is

A  1.0 km/h
B. 1.3 km/h
C. 1.5 km/h
D. 2.5 km/h
E. 4.0 km/h

15. Which of the following is always true for an isothermal process of an ideal gas?

A. The internal energy does not change.
B. No heat flows into or out of the system.
C. The pressure does not change.
D. The volume does not change.
E. No work is done by or on the system.

16. How much work is required to move - 24 mC of charge 4.0 m parallel to a uniform 6.0 N/C electric field?

A. l.0 mJ
B. 16
C. 36
D. 62
E. 576

17. Two bar magnets are to be cut in half along the dotted lines shown to the right. None of the pieces are rotated. After the cut:

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A. None of the halves will attract any other.
B. The two halves of each magnet will attract each other.
C. The two halves of each magnet will repel each other.
D. The two halves of the top magnet will repel, the two halves of the bottom magnet will attract
E. The two halves of the top magnet will attract, the two halves of the bottom magnet will repel

18. A motorist travels 400 km at 80km/h and 400 km in at 100 km/h. What is the average speed of the motorist on this trip?

A. 84 km/h
B. 89 km/h
C. 90 km/h
D. 91 km/h
E. 95 km/h

19. The standing wave pattern diagrammed below is produced in a string fixed at both ends. The speed of waves in the string is 2.0 m/s.

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What is the frequency of the standing wave pattern?

A.0.25 Hz
B. 1
.0 Hz
C. 2.0 Hz
D. 4.0 Hz
E. 8.
0 Hz

(Questions 20-22 begin Part 2)

23. String L and string H have the same tension and length. String L has mass m and string H has mass 4m. If the speed waves in string L is v, the speed of waves in string H is

A. ½ v
B. v
C. 1.4 v
D. 2 v
E. 4 v

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