
PSL: Target Graphs

Each group is to as accurately as posible duplicate each of these target graphs.   Each member of the group is to have at least one (1) file saved in his "name."  When complete, you are to list the files saved for ALL trials.   The top file listed will represent the data your group decided to analyze for its grade.
Enter each group member's AIDE letters
Lab Station #

Target TAE1C5

In the region provided below, describe qualitatively the motions you will need to make with your bodies to duplicate this graph.  Include words like "towards," "away," "quickly," "slowly," "close position" and "distant position," and  "rest."

targetc5.gif (3319 bytes)

Now, go to DISK, then TARGET, and load the file TAE1C5.PSL In the region provided below, list the filenames for each trial saved while trying to duplicated this target.  Using Graph, Mark and Fit, determine and enter the slope of each section from your best trial..

report only those slopes illustrated in the graph shown above

file analyzed

slope sec #1

slope sec #2

slope sec #3






Target TAE1C6

In the region provided below, describe qualitatively the motions you will need to make with your bodies to duplicate this graph.  Include words like "towards," "away," "quickly," "slowly," "close position" and "distant position," and  "rest."

targetc6.gif (3492 bytes)

Now, go to DISK, then TARGET, and load the file TAE1C6.PSL In the region provided below, list the filenames for each trial saved while trying to duplicated this target.  Using Graph, Mark and Fit, determine and enter the slope of each section from your best trial.

report only those slopes illustrated in the graph shown above

file analyzed

slope sec #1

slope sec #2

slope sec #3

slope sec #4



