
Physics I: Review Sheet
Chapter 2

Web Resources


Vectors and Resultants
Speed Practice

constant velocity: Position-Time Graphs #1
constant velocity: Position-Time Graphs #2
constant velocity: Position-Time Graphs #3

constant velocity: Velocity-Time #1
constant velocity: Velocity-Time #2

uniform acceleration: Velocity-Time Graphs

uniform acceleration: Graph Shape Patterns

uniform acceleration: SVA #1
uniform acceleration: SVA #2
uniform acceleration: SVA #3

Kinematics Equations #1
Kinematics Equations #2

Freefall: Dropped From Rest
Freefall: Up and Down
Freefall: Drill and Practice

#1:  vf = vo + at       #2:   s = ˝ (vo + vf )t       #3:   s = vot + ˝ a t 2       #4:   vf 2 = vo2+ 2 as
average speed = total distance/total time
average velocity = net displacement/total time (plus a direction)
Pythagorean Theorem

s-t graphs: slope equals velocity
v-t graphs:  slope equals acceleration; area equals displacement
a-t graphs: area equals the change in velocity

Chapter 2:
  2.2,  2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10

In-Text Questions [yellow boxes]

pg 13 #1 and #2 pg 18 (use g = 10 m/sec˛ )
pg 14 pg 19
pg 16 #1 and #2 pg 20


kinematics vector quantities:
     magnitude and direction
scalar quantities:
     magnitude only
freefall displacement distance
projectile velocity speed/rate
trajectory instantaneous velocity vs average velocity instantaneous speed vs average speed
apex constant/steady/uniform velocity time
acceleration during freefall uniform/constant acceleration mass

instantaneous velocity

acceleration due to gravity weight

Be able to match position-time graphs that represent each of the following activities: at rest close or far from to the detector, moving at a slow steady rate away from or towards the detector, moving quickly at a steady rate away from or towards the detector, moving faster and faster away from the detector, and moving slower and slower towards the detector.

Be able to answer the following questions about either a position-time or velocity-time graph when an object is moving at a uniform velocity:
     velocity during each graphed interval,
     distance and displacement during each graph interval,
     total distance traveled for the entire graph,
     net displacement for the entire graph,
     average speed of the entire graph, and
     average velocity for the entire graph.

Be able to calculate the area under a vel-time graph which represents displacement and that under an acc-time graph which represents the change in velocity.

Be able to construct the corresponding velocity-time, acceleration-time or position-time graph given one of the other types.

Be able to recognize that when an object is either slowing down in a positive direction OR speeding up in a negative direction that "a" has a negative value.

Be able to calculate an object's average speed given either a combination of speed and distance OR speed and time. (distance = rate * time)

Be able to read a problem for the given values of the variables vo, vf, a, t, s. Be able to identify which kinematics equation is needed to solve for the requested unknown. Be able to perform the algebra necessary to reach a numerical solution and to give the correct units for that answer. Make sure you can use the five kinematics equations - they do NOT have to be memorized.

Be able to recognize that "starting from rest" means vo = O and "comes to a stop" means vf = O.

Be able to determine when average velocity can be calculated using (vf + vo ) / 2 and when you must use the definition that average velocity equals (net displacement) / (total time).

Be able to use the definition that average speed equals (total distance traveled) / (total time).

Be able to determine when the magnitude of an object's speed equals the magnitude of its velocity and when its distance traveled equals the magnitude of its displacement.

Be able to read a problem for the given values of the variables vo, vf, a, t, s. Be able to recognize and state the units used to measure: original velocity, final velocity, average velocity, acceleration, displacement and time. Remember that "starting from rest" means vo = 0 and "comes to a stop" means vf = 0. Be able to identify which kinematics equation is needed to solve for the requested unknown (equation quizzes). Be able to perform the algebra necessary to reach a numerical solution and to give the correct units for that answer.

When an object is thrown straight up, what are the unique conditions that place it at the apex?
How does the time to rise to the apex compare to the time to fall back to release position?
How does the distance it rises compare to the distance it falls back to the release position?
How does the initial velocity compare to the final velocity when it returns to the release position?
What are the values at the apex for the instantaneous vertical velocity and the instantaneous acceleration?
Given the signs of vf and s, determine in what region of a position-time graph the projectile is located.

Given three identical cliffs with these release configurations:
     dropped from rest,
     thrown straight up with speed v, and
     thrown straight down with speed v
     thrown sraight outwards with speed v
Be able to determine which projectile reaches the ground first, which reaches the ground last, and which ones arrive with the same final velocity.

Be able to draw a generalized position-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs for a projectile that is either dropped from rest, thrown straight down, or thrown straight up

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Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.


Mainland High School
Daytona Beach, FL 32114