
Ripple Tank Wave Phenomena

Web Resources

video resource lesson
sample diagrams and wave phenomena summaries
review worksheet (printable version)


point source wavefront
circular wave plane wave
incident wavefront incident ray
interface angle of incidence
normal angle of reflection
reflected ray reflected wavefront
image source
(circular reflections off a straight barrier)
wavelength (l)
frequency (¦) wave velocity (vw)
relationship between frequency and period (¦,T) superposition
interference (resultant) troughs
crests destructive (nodes)
constructive (antinodes) central maximum
changes that occur  when two in-phase point sources
(same distance apart) change frequency
   changes that occur when two in-phase point sources
(same f) move closer together vs farther apart
damped parabolic barrier
focus    relationship between frequency and wavelength (¦,l)
diffraction behavior through large vs small openings
behavior around large vs small obstacles refraction
medium short wavelengths vs long wavelengths
angle of refraction bending towards/away from the normal

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Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.


Mainland High School
Daytona Beach, FL 32114