When you enter college would you check back on the PhysicsLAB for
help with college level courses?
- If it was organized correctly.
- Yes since the tutorials give basic
fundamentals that will never change.
- Maybe if I was taking Physics. I don't know
yet. Probably.
- Yes
- Probably not
- Of course
- No, I won't be taking Physics in college
- Depends, but probably.
- Yes, Definitely
- Probably
- Yes, if it's related to the stuff we have.
- Yes, Mrs. Colwell is doing a great job. I
can understand things on the computer.
- Most likely yes
- I haven't decided
- Probably not
- I don't think so. I don't need physics for
my major.
- Yes, if I really needed it, or if it was
easily accessed.
- Yes, I definitely would
- If needed, yes
- If the information is listed on the site,
it's the right information to help me I would use it.
- Yes, to give me a good understanding.
- Don't know, maybe!
- If the information was applicable and there
wasn't a better site, yes.
- Yes, I would because it might help &
refresh my memory on certain subjects.
- Maybe
- Probably, if what I was doing in college was
on the web. I'd probably check often.
- Yes I would
- Perhaps, if college level help is provided.
- I might if I really needed the help. I
suppose I would check to see if it was useful to me.
- Yes, if it had college physics on it.
- Yes, and leave messages for Mrs. Colwell
- Yes, to get info on day by day subjects that
I may have missed
- I would not check back on the PhysicLAB
because I feel the teachers par in explaining things is what I basically learn from - not
from looking at a screen.
- Yes I would because the PhysicsLAB could be
like a study guide for me.
- No. If I knew more about it , maybe.
- Yes, I would
- Maybe, but I would just to see what was
going on.
- No, I don't think so
- Yes! If I can use the site for any of my
classes I would.
- If I take a physic class and would have
access, yes.
- Maybe, if I have access to a computer.
- Maybe
- Maybe, if I was really having trouble.
- Possibly.
- I doubt it because I don't plan on taking
any physics classes, but if I were I might.
- I would because it's easy for me to get the
information I need.
- I believe that I would.
- Yes I will
- No, because it would help, and I really
don't know
- No, I don't believe I would use it when I'm
in college.
- Maybe, if I take physics in college.
- Yes if I truly needed help and had no where
else to get help.
- If applicable
- If I had access at college or in my home I
could use Physics lab to help me.
- Most definitely
- Yes, I feel that the PhysicsLAB is a great
tool, not only because it's on the computer, but also because while you're learning
Physics, you're also learning more about using a computer.
- No b/c most likely what is on the physics
lab won't be what I'm doing in college, although I may check it out to see what's going on
on their web-site
- This is a very good idea + I never actually
thought of doing it, but I would use it.
- It it is applicable to what I am doing, then
- No, I would not.
- When/if I go to college, I would definetely
check back on the physics lab for help
it was a necessity for me this year. It
provided good examples and helped me a lot.
- If I was taking a physics course, I might. I
might even email Mrs. Colwell for help, but other than that, probably not.
- That's actually a wonderful idea!
- Yes, but in the higher levels such as AP,
not physics I
- I possibly might, if I need help.
- Possibly, it would depend on the course and
what information I needed.
- Maybe, if I thought it could help.
- Maybe, if we were in the process of learning
the same things that were learned in the high school course.
- Yes, the video bits helped demonstrate the
- Perhaps. It depends on the content of the
PhysicsLAB at the time.
What types on new content would you like to see added the
- More hw. examples
- Just more of a review to each day's lesson.
A list of examples or formulas that we may have done that day.
- I think everything that is there now is good
- More examples of homework problems so as
much time wouldn't have to be wasted in class working on it.
- None, I think it is fine.
- None
- More diagrams & in depth notes
- I don't anything else should be added, it is
very informative.
- More examples for certain type of problems
- More equation sheets
- Search engine of all topics
- Keep the same, but built a faster server
& put gifs instead of Bmaps or Jpegs
- Answers to AP essays. Solutions to quizzes
- More examples of how to do problems. Step by
step like powerpoint
- More picture and short clips. Like of the
- I think that things are good the way they
are. More worksheets would be nice.
- PhysicsLab is good enough.
- Homework solutions
- I personally believe the current information
is overwhelming
- Examples of problems.
- I would like to see more movie clips &
- Homework chat
- More sample questions and answers.
- Maybe more examples of problems.
- A practice test, more drawings. I see things
- More detailed information and examples.
- N/A
- Explanations on how to do problems,
worksheets, ets. Instead of just worksheets
- Anymore experiments.
- More sample problems and answers. To check
our work
- Just improve slightly the content already in
- An interactive chat site to get help from
- More examples & the answers to our work.
- None - complete enough
- A better calander so as to find information
previously acquired faster & easier
- Homework help
- More power-point tutorials. More
video-clips. More vocab. Forms
- Sample problems & answers to HW
- More descriptions, and examples about the
lesson. Like an online text book.
- I think you should be able to access the
chapter you are on - on the PhysicsLAB website. That way books aren't necessary. It save
students more weight to carry & teachers less to worry about.
- Intranet quiz makeups
- A better review for tests and quizzes
- More pictures
- A record of all internet quiz grades by aide
- More example and detailed diagrams.
- Excersize games, like problem solving that
you can do on your own time.
- I would like to see present grade standings.
- I would like to see games added to the
Physics Lab.
- None, I'm very happy with it.
- Vocabulary for the chapter.
- Answer key for homework
- Nothing really I think your doing a
wonderful job.
- That there can be tests and exams taken on
the computer. Lessons too.
- It seems to have everything I think it
- Most of all I would like to see math course
put on the most.
- Videos of experiments being set-up and
- For high school it is great where it is
- More colors and voices to help think about
what you're doing
- More examples of problems
- Posted scores & grades. More interaction
between student
- Nothing I feel as though it's fine the way
it is.
- More examples on difficult subjects.
- Answer sheets for worksheets. More animated
examples of complex theories
- More examples.
- More examples for homework
- A link to test/quiz topics and/or sample
- More resourceful information
- Not sure
- Being able to do homework on the computer
and submitting it.
- Better grading for quizzes
- More review sections for each chapter
- More understandable (down to earth)
explanations. More next time questions.
- Missing assignments
- More information ie. Definitions and
- More explanations on assignments. More next
time questions
- More examples; in Mrs. Colewell's helpful
- Information on the chapter
- I would like to see the calendar updated
daily and more examples to guide.
- Interactive labs
- A book type section where you could look up
definitions, etc like a text book
- A chat area where students could help each
- I would like to see a record of the
assignments we have turned in to make sure I was caught up at all times.
- Chat room for home work & interaction w/
other class rooms around the county, state, or nation.
- Diagrams that help explain the topics that
are discussed that particular instance
- Sample questions and answers for homework
- More diagrams and pictures.
- New content that might be helpful would be
on all-year, all chapters included, reference or review site. Included should be examples
of uses of solutions.
- Links to other physics-related sites
- I would like to have a page where you have
the list of people and phone numbers in the class so if you need help you can get it.
- More homework problems/examples.
- More examples of HW, such as step-by-step
work, not only answers
- I would like to see a constant update of
what homework assignments we're missing.
- I would like to see better examples on the
homework on the site.
- Um, notes...steady, constant notes. Examples
of problems. Post answers to assignments. Vocab sheets - glossary
- A group study/answer/help session
- I would like to see is more movies, or
little lab demonstrations.
- More instructions, more directions on how to
complete activities.
- More examples of both classwork and
- I think it works well the way it is.
- A room where peers might be able to converse
about the lessons if some are having trouble
- Abstract concepts. New theories. The
"Ultraviolet Catastrophe"
What hardware changes or upgrades would you
like to see done in the physics lab?
- ----
- Everything worked fine with tools or
hardware we had.
- I don't know.
- I have no clue about computers.
- Iron out the bugs
- None
- I don't know anything about computers
- Nothing at the moment
- I don't know anything about hardware.
- Everything is cool right now.
- Well, they have enough good technology
already not much could be done to upgrade
- Video of Mrs. Colwell teaching
- I am not a hardware/upgrade person.
- No changes
- Macs :)
- Faster processors.
- Just something so that our answers will
submit and the computers won't crash.
- Video sender for William Maloney or to see
the lesson at home when you have to be absent. It is important to see what is being
- Well, at times we couldn't see our grades,
and sometimes it just didn't work.
- I don't know much about computers so I can't
- None that I know of
- Simply upgrade with the state of the art in
order to make it more reliable.
- It seemed exceptional to me
- None - sufficient
- Not applicable at the time
- For it to speed up
- The tab key erases our answers on quizzes
- None in particular!
- Faster computers, and a site that actually
works all the time.
- I have no opinion.
- More computer enacted examples
- When you use the mouse to make the screen
move down a box sometime pops up and gets in the way - It's very fustrating.
- Touch, screen
- I don't know of any hardware changes.
- I would like to see a different person
on-line 24 hrs a day that will tutor physics and explain formulas, etc...
- Chat-line between students.
- Printers at every lab station.
- That there be more mouses on one computer.
- I'd like to see fewer errors in programming
(quiz scores)
- Faster
- I would like for a better upgrade on
information out put.
- Doesn't matter
- Move a little quicker to down load maybe.
- Faster reaction time or faster modem
- I don't know of any hardware that would
significantly improve the system.
- Faster results
- Unsure, don't enough about hardware
- Larger monitors.
- I felt the hardware/software was adequate
for the demands placed on it.
- I would like to eliminate a text book and
use computer primarily for resource and "workbook"
- Saving assignments on to a disk
- Maybe a printer at every computer to print
out any homework you need.
- Using the modem
- I have no opinion on this matter.
- Sound effects. Usage of the modem - disk
- I don't know
- More up to date stuff, or better labs.
- The only think I'd like to see upgraded
would be maybe more computers. We're the smallest class she has and we still fill up the
- Calendar, etc, upgraded more often
- Take up less memory
- Not much, just roller ball mouses.
- Absolutely nothing as far as upgrading or
hardware changes mainly b/c I don't know much about that stuff.
- The ability to save lab results & data
for future use
- That things move faster and have more motion
- Don't know much about hard ware
- I think the hardware was fine.
- They all seem pretty thorough to me.
- I have no clue
- Better graphics. Show things better like
vectors actual moving. More like the waves Mrs. Colwell put on the computer
- Virtual reality, in other words if it had a
voice command, it could be real useful.
- Chairs, not stools for support of our backs
- Better graphics and higher resolution
- I think the type of computers used (IBM
340's 100 MHZ are quite capable of what is needed for this course.)
you like to see more student participation in the creation of the PhysicsLAB? (Be
- Yes. The students should be contributing to
the lab site
- Yes, but that's different than physics
class. Do not mix the two.
- If the students know how to program and add
content than yes.
- Yes because it make them feel as they are
part of the process
- Yeah, I guess you could have students do the
things that they might think would be useful to other students.
- I think it is fine the way it is.
- Yes, the students could converse with each
other and help one-another.
- We should do more hand-on labs
- Yes, that way students get involved more
with the physics lab and the lessons planned.
- Might help to have more students for better
- No, there will be more mistakes then
- Yes, it is very helpful
- Yes because it's a great tool for learning
- Yes, but as a computer class, not the
physics class.
- Yes
- Yes, just so that the teacher didn't have to
do everything.
- Yes, it will make everyone understand and
takes STRESS off Mrs. Colwell
- Yes, the more the merry, next years class
shall love the physics LAB.
- Yes, student imput would be good - students
work could be put on site.
- I guess so. However some AP students would
not have time to create things and would therefore be upset if it was required. On the
other hand, not many people would do it if it was voluntary.
- No. it would then be more disorderly.
- Yes, to relieve Mrs. Colwell of more stress
- No!
- Yes. They could come after school to create
new screens.
- Yes! Students should invent problems or make
- The students already participate in its
creation very much. What is being done is enough.
- I think it would be great to see what other
students think, not just the teacher.
- No. I think everyone participates enough on
the PhysicsLAB
- Yes, mostly myself.
- Yes, students could put their own
explanation of a topic so others could learn from them if they have a hard time learning
from the teacher.
- Yes, due to the fact that it's a great
working system, & I enjoyed it a lot this year. I love working w/computers.
- No
- No, students aren't as smart as teacher,
they can mess up.
- I would like to see more student questions
and answers posted. Commonly asked questions in the room.
- Yes, students should be employed in the
piecing together of the site in order to more easily develop other skills.
- Only to use if they have questions or
comments on a particular physics topic that they be posted somewhere to better help other
- No, because students might make mistakes
like me.
- Yes, maybe someone (student) be the
- I don't care too much either way. Joey is
young enough to make sure the right things are put in.
- Yes, because students as a whole will learn
more about the computer in general and about the subject as well; not only will this
benefit them in the future, but it will allow them to get their own PCS and ask if other
core classes would use the program.
- No, I feel that is fine how it is.
- Yes, more creative influence, and student
- I think students should each give a
suggestion of something that should be added to the PHYSICSLAB to be more helpful to
- Yes, I think students should be able to say
"yes, we need that put on the site for future use, or no, we don't.
- Yes, get the students input on what it
should look like and the content
- More students should be able to help set up
the web pages to give Mrs. Cowell more time.
- I think more students should be envolved
because its fun, intresting, and a learning experience for everyone.
- Yes, I believe it gives them an opportunity
to use a computer and get familiar with what is of the future.
- Yes, have the teaching and examples shown
and done as the teacher teaches.
- I would like to see more student
participation so that there could be a better understanding, on the students part, of how
the program is formed.
- Yes I would. I feel that if the lab was made
a little more fun you would have a lot more student participation.
- No comment.
- Yes, people working on web pages and showing
their creativity
- Yeah I would, more people would perfect the
- Neutral
- Yes! I think most student of the Physics lab
would easily understand the information a little better.
- I liked how it was done.
- No - Mrs. Colwell and Joey have done a
fantastic job
- Get everyone involved other classes ex.
Chemistry math etc...
- There is quite enough
- Yes, to help others understand at our level.
- Yes, it is a truly learning experience
- Advanced students or AP could assist
instructor in creating worksheets and review materials for Physics I.
- I don't know
- I feel that students know how to best design
a site for other students.
- Student involvement could take some of the
load off of the teachers, perhaps creative input could better tailor the site to the
students needs.
- Yes, because the more students that
participate the more ideas they have to make the Physics LAB better.
- Yes, because the students are the ones that
know what will help them.
- Yes. Because students may have ideas for
better examples for chapters and quizzes.
- Yes, give ideas of things that helped them
and expand with it.
- I have no opinion on this matter.
- Yes I would
- Yes, only a few used it this year as I feel
that us students should all have that opportunity if we want to.
- Yes I would like to see more student
participation, like we help create more examples and problems.
- Yes. Because you could learn a lot about the
computer and some of the programs on it.
- No, because some students still don't know
the first thing about computers or Physics.
- Yes in the input of what should be taught on
the computer and what should be taught in class
- No - teacher based
- Yes, w/design and content for certain
- I would like to see more students use this
format in every class to help students become more computer literate
- The A.P. essays.
- Yes, it would be useful to allow the
students, at the end of class, to be able to type on the computer what was done in class,
that way they are able to use the computer more often.
- Maybe some students putting their own notes
onto physics lab that will help students who are struggling.
- Yes, I would. Due to the visuals provided I
think that many students would welcome this new method of learning, & their eagerness
to learn & explore would be nurtured.
- No, I'm happy with it.
- Yes, because every one has there own idea
and could improve it even more.
- Yes, because that way the students could
learn more about the PhysicsLab and would not have to ask the teacher for instructions.
(on a lab for example). Also if the student create the PhysicsLab - they can understand it
better & faster.
- I think everything is running fine w/out
student participation. Don't let them help & screw it up.
- Yes, I think you should bring in students
from Physics I, who are going on to higher physics, during the summer to try to put input
into the process.
- The Physics lab was a helpful tool - I think
it's present day status is fine. No student participation is needed.
- There should be a feedback page that
students can access from class if they wanted to
- Yes because if students participated in the
creation, the PhysicsLab would be on the kids level than the what the teachers think the
students level is like.
- I would like to see more students be
involved in the building of this program, cause I believe a lot could be learned.
- Yes, I believe that it really would help
improve their grades because they can go back and reference a few examples and
- Possibily. They could come up with new ideas
for it.
- Yes the students could make this more to
their level
- The overall apparance of the Physics Lab is
a bit drab. A little more color, flavor, something to add to the life of it. Students
could add to this.
What was the most difficult aspect of the
class this year?
- The A.P. essays
- SO much computer (technical problems &
trying to work on programs that learning time diminished
- Lack of non-computer based examples. It's
hard to teach something like magnetics on a computer and lack of real life demonstrations
was difficult. Plus when the server goes down there's not much you can do.
- Being able to keep up when the class got
- Ap test. No not really, um, not having
enough time to cover every topic.
- My computer illiteracy a problems working
- The subject itself, it is very challenging
- It went to fast & I didnt
- Trying to keep up with lessons taught and
things learned and operated on the computers.
- Learning about the computers
- Understanding the lectures about the lessons
- Keeping up with the fast paced class
- Remembering all the equations.
- Getting some of the people who didnt
know how to use computer trained
- Less class time because of trying to get
everything linked and set up on the site.
- No comments.
- Sometimes it felt like the computers were
more important than the material they were supposed to enhance.
- Staying with the deadline
- The jump from worksheets to nearly
everything on the computer, took a while to adjust.
- When Mrs. Colwell was out of class & we
had to "teach" ourselves.
- It was difficult to adjust to learning
without a teacher. Some people learn by hearing or doing, not just seeing it on a
- Time
- Understanding concepts that went with the
- Keeping up with homework
- When Mrs. Colwell was out
- The most difficult aspect was agreeing on
quiz answers.
- The homework we had to do on paper I would
have rather been able to submit it on the site.
- Trying to catch up, or when Mrs. Colwell
wasn't her to answer ?'s.
- Written tests that we have to do by
- My discouragement to follow up in learning
- Math - having to learn all the formulas
- N/A
- I didn't have internet access and a lot of
time to be tutored. Sometimes Mrs. Colwell went to fast but when she tutored me it was
- Test
- Quiz
- Some very difficult lessons.
- Cross referencing the textbook and the
computer was occasionally difficult.
- Light topics because I just never gave time
to think about what I was doing
- Freefall diagrams
- Did worst on the thermo dynamics, due to
- There really wasn't.
- Lenses
- Free fall diagrams (2nd set)
- None that I could think of!
- When the teacher was absent for week &
we had to learn w/o her & Free Body Diagrams
- Taking paper tests.
- Daily attendence.
- Most likely tests w/questions you really had
to analyze to find the correct answer.
- Learning to use the site for work
- Reviewing for the final exam, very hard
- Keeping up in your absence
- Formulas for problems
- Memorizing all the formulas and
understanding mirror reflections.
- The inability to use the computer more. And
getting use to a computer bored class.
- Waves./laws the formulas!
- The final exam was most difficult
- The most difficult aspect for me is what
we're doing now (gravity etc...).
- Not having Mrs. Colwell here a lot. And
having to rely mostly on the computer even was she was here.
- My procrastination.
- Learning to learn from a computer.
- Reading the diagrams on the computer
- Finding time to dedicate
- Not being ready to take a test I didn't
- Physics came pretty easy to me, I don't
think any one thing was more difficult than the next.
- Passing
- There was really not to difficult in the
course within the web-site
- When we took test it seemed liked there were
things on there not discussed.
- Some of the quizzes
- Taking quizzes, I'm not good at testing.
- All the parts we could not do on our own
- When Mrs. Colwell was out for a week. I
still didn't understand the work.
- Coming to class
- The few times the computers weren't behaving
- Paying attention during the videos and when
we took notes
- The math
- Understanding the theories that go against
popular knowledge, like equal forces on each other.
- Physics part.
- Taking tests and quizzes
- Having to listen to lectures when I could
have learned the material myself
- Not having Mrs. Colwell lecture
- Tests
- Memorizing the laws
- Was learning the math and how it related to
theories in each chapter.
- The test, not enough review in class.
- Finding a short stool
- The homework
- I do not think I had to much difficulty with
anything. It was organized nicely.
- I don't know
- Going back to the book
- The most difficult was at the beginning of
the year, the transfer from doing everything like a book, now off a computer.
- Keeping up w/ homework
- Learning how to use front page editor
- Worksheet pages
- Understanding how to navigate through the
computer once I learned it was very easy.
- Nothing
- Website pages
- There wasn't anything difficult about the
class this year.
- Putting together a web page for physics.
- The segment on friction was most difficult.
- There were none
- The test taking by yourself
- The beginning of class
- I have an overall hard time learning this
type of subject.
- The most difficult aspect of the class was
when Mrs. Colwell was not in class. It was very frustrating trying to find answers in
books on new material.
- Freebody diagrams - the last stuff of the
year. There was a lot of work - I mean a lot of work. There's especially a lot @ the end
of the year when everything is winding down.
- Doing homework - I lack energy
- Physics itself I just never understood it.
- Reading the textbook!
- Probably the independent tests without a
partner. You have to gain all the knowledge by yourself and analyze on the paper.
- The class was real competitive but I don't
think anyone found it difficult at all.
- The beginning when the computers were
deleating stuff and, the back-up papers it was confussing but by the end of the year it
was great and back up was scarcely needed.
- Remembering the equations.
- The tests on the computer
- The tests, the reviews were great but, the
tests were just difficult
- The physics class itself.
- Concepts. "Refraction"
What was the least difficult aspect of the
class this year?
- The homework and notes
- DC circuits since the diagrams on the
computer explain a lot of what was happening during a current. And I'd have to say dealing
with Mrs. Colwell made it just a little easier every day as well.
- Taking quizzes & tests without writing
- Labs
- Group quizes
- Coming to class, Mrs. Colwell's teaching
makes me want to come
- The learning of lots of new material.
- Homework assignments in the Physics book
- Labs and group work
- Using the computers.
- Getting assignments off the web if you were
- Staying interested, and keeping my attention
- Getting assignments on time. Mrs. Colwell
did a great job of updating the sites!
- Getting to work in groups to figure things
out collectively.
- Learning stuff
- Using the site once we got used to it
- Showing up. There was always a reason to
- Labs, they were too the point. Very
- Doing labs.
- Working together on tests & quizzes made
it easier to get good grades. Also all homework was practically done for us.
- Getting homework and knowing what went on
during class time
- Learning when Ms. Colwell taught
- Looking information up
- The Physics Lab
- Drawing diagrams from the computer from
vectors & mirrors
- Understanding the material
- The work. It really just helped me better
understand everything.
- Diagrams that we can get off the site
- Labs, computer projects
- The least difficult aspect was understanding
the science part of the lessons.
- N/A
- Taking quizes with someone that could help
- Homework
- Finding out what we did on days we missed.
- Test taking was much more informative and
- The PhysicLab made the new concepts very
easy to understand and grasp kinematics
- The MCAT equations & Newton's law.
- Mirrors/wanes/kinematics/thermodynamics
- Ray diagrams & light bending
- Gravity
- Lens
- That I could refer to the site at any given
time if I had any problems with classwork
- Newton's 3 laws
- The homework.
- The quizes, and the learning process
- Homework, because we went over it in class.
- Classwork on homework
- Intranet quizes
- Taking notes
- Labs
- The review questions in the book.
- The test and quizes
- Basic questions on physics without formulas
, and gravitational fields.
- The least difficult aspect was wave graphs.
- The least difficult aspect was when we did
tension, weight, ets...
- Doing worksheets and labs on the computer.
- Pictures, or animations.
- Taking quizzes.
- Learning how to use the computer.
- Getting help.
- Doing the homework out of the book.
- Physics came pretty easy to me. I don't
think any one thing was more difficult than the next
- N/A
- Learning to find information under the
Physics Lab.
- Using the computer.
- Finding the work for the day on the computer
- Doing my homework assignments.
- All the work on the computer
- The labs were fun.
- The computer interaction.
- Paperwork and written assignments
- Completing my required assignments
- Getting info.
- Getting the homework done
- Computer part.
- Doing labs
- Knowing what was due and when
- Understanding use of lab
- Homework
- Doing the homework
- Understanding most of the vocabulary in the
- Worksheets
- Figuring out what assignments were and when
they are due.
- The group work
- Worksheets (Helped a lot!)
- Doing the classroom labs in groups
- I don't know
- Working on the computer.
- The least difficult was catching on to the
pace of things and learning to use the equipment.
- The course work
- Using the Physics LAB
- Physics olypics
- I had all my work handed in on time
- The physicsLAB site
- Chapter work
- The least difficult was recreating
worksheets for use by other students on the computer.
- Learning how to use the physicslab
- The segment on lenses & wave lengths was
least difficult.
- Getting the assignments
- The labs
- The quizzes which were reviewed after the
quiz was taken and the day before, it was taken.
- All the information was at my fingertips, I
am just not good enough to know what to do w/ all of it.
- The least difficult aspect was the taking of
quizzes on the internet.
- Mirrors & lenses.
- Using the computer
- The computer the computer was very easy to
- Reading the computer screen
- Registering your name for the program on the
first day of school
- Using the computer rather than pen and
- Reviewing for test and quizes because
diagrams were on the site.
- Using PhysicsLab
- The group worksheets on the site.
- Navigating through the computer and using
the programs for labs.
- Learning to use the computer.
What was your favorite aspect of the class
this year?
- Your teaching skills
- Partners
- The teacher...she was the main reason I took
the class.
- Having Mrs. Colwell help us out on the site.
- Being able to work in groups on quizzes and
some tests on the computer.
- Mrs. Colwell
- Mrs. Colwell Teaching
- Working in groups on labs & the
well-explained work by Mrs. Colwell and her determination to make us learn Physics with
her new modern technology on the website.
- Having Mrs. Colwell as a teacher again and
working on the computers.
- Labs and group work
- None
- Just in time exercises.
- The independence.
- When Mrs. Colwell was absent on a trip she
taught the class by talking through a distant computer. It was the first time but we got
most of the message
- Working in groups
- Everything
- Working together on tests/quizzes/labs
- The computers, and Mrs. Colwell demonstrate.
She really know how to make class fun for you.
- Interaction w/Mrs. C; APB review sessions
- Mrs. Colwell's crazy antics make me remember
things when she teaches them. The internet site helped me in that help was more accessible
from home.
- Physics Lab.
- When computers were not overused &
helped out
- Using computers
- One to one teaching homework counted only if
you did it.
- My favorite was the interaction with our
William project & using computers to do our work.
- Using the computers instead of writing it
- The labs, I love hands on!!
- Working together in groups. It improved our
grades & we learned more.
- Working together.
- I don't have a favorite aspect.
- Using the computer to do my work with a
- Having friends in class & a good teacher
- PhysicsLab.
- Mrs. Colwell's hyperness.
- Anytime we were able to work in team, which
was nearly everyday.
- Using the computer for everything
- The Physic Olympics where me & my
partner won a prize.
- Physics Lab on Intranet, Mrs. Colwell
- The Ray Diagrams.
- Being able to work with a partner and decide
with someone else which answer is better
- Wave section Physics Olympics
- That we were allowed to interact with our
peers during most of the assignments during the school year and we had a consistent amount
of help from the examples of lessons given on the site.
- Physics Olympics
- The use of the Physics Lab Intranet site.
- The online worksheets, discusions, and
- Being able to work in groups w/my friends on
projects. It was helpful and I had fun while I learned new material.
- Getting computer experience
- The first class to use the internet to do
some work
- The computer interaction
- The web system & intranet worksheets
& quizes
- I liked all the labs where you got up and
did something not just write the whole labs.
- Being able to see your score on a quiz after
you take it.
- Vibrations.
- My favorite aspect was working in groups.
- My favorite aspect of the class this year
was when we went to the Physics Olympics.
- Having all of our assignments (recent &
passed due) listed. Sometimes assignments weren't made clear so that was needed.
- Labs
- Having your quiz score come up as soon as
you were done.
- Working in groups on the computer
- Being able to work on the computer as much
as I did.
- Having computers & my friends!!!
- Having Mrs. Colwell as a teacher
- N/A
- Doing labs and working in groups.
- Using the computers to do work, take quizzes
and keep track of assignments
- Working in groups & the computer
- Physics Olympics
- Again I like the hands on work of labs.
- Working with a partner
- The physics lab made had material easy to
- The labs
- The computers
- Being able to work together on everything
- Web integration.
- Being able to work in groups on labs and
- Being able to do some of the work on the
computer rather than on paper
- Taking Internet Quizzes and getting grade
- Grays work.
- Some of the labs
- Learning about the internet
- The use of the computer lab.
- Having a great teacher to explain throughly
any questions you may have.
- Everything was great, but nothing exemplary.
- The computers
- Was when we did demonstrations like
converging lens, etc., the bridges demostrations. Out teacher, Mrs. Colwell, was a
tremendous help to me in Physics this year. I would not have made it through without her.
- Working in a group to solve a problem
- Everything, Mrs. Colwell
- Getting the chance to make web-sites.
Especially working with another person (getting others ideas)
- My favorite aspect would have to be the fact
that Mrs. Colwell took the time to walk around and interact with us on everything.
- The people & we had fun & we did
creative things, not just bookwork
- Creating my own web page using front page
- Physics Olympics
- I enjoyed the class because this year I was
able to get a better understanding of physics with the help of the lab.
- Mrs. Colwell & physics olympics
- Being on the computer w/ the teacher
learning how to use the system
- My favorite aspect of Physics II this year
was the ability to create my own individual Web Page. It was a great experience, while
learning how to compile information and figuring out how to present to others. I also
became more computer-literate.
- Just- in-time
- The Physics Lab itself
- The physics olympics
- The labs because I learned a lot more.
- My teacher Mrs. Colwell. She worked
with the students all the time. Every time I needed help on my Physics homework she would
help me. She even helped me with my Trigonometry homework.
- Mrs. Colwell! Although the web site is
wonderful, the class was nothing w/out her!
- My favorite aspect of the class was the
- Mrs. Colwell..having her as a teacher was my
favorite aspect of this class. Even though Physics Lab helped me a lot I
couldnt have survived without her. No computer could ever replace her!
- Physics Olympics
- Mrs. Colwells teaching
- Group work!!
- Taking the quizzes and labs w/ a partner on
the site.
- My favorite aspect of this class was
probably using the computer.
- Mrs. Colwell! She was a wonderful teacher.
Although computers are great when youre stuck in the middle of a problem you
cant ask them questions (well, they dont reply even if you do ask them)
- All of the topics
- The labs and videso. Just-in-time.
- Working in groups on projects, and having
such a laid back environment feeling
- Mrs. Colwells teaching style and
cooperative learning
- The atmosphere. The melding of the web page
and in class learning
What was your least favorite aspect of the class this year?
- Saturday study classes
- Less labs, less teacher/student time.
Unorganized about assignments turned in, always missing in action.
- When things went wrong with technology.
- Having so many kids in the AP class.
- Still having to take written tests, but
really nothing. I liked everything about the class basically.
- All the AP essays
- None
- Didnt use many hands on things and
didnt work on the computers that much. The work was sort of hard, seemed like
college based course.
- When I didnt understand certain topics
- Class w/ no instructor
- Lectures. The lectures were very fast &
hurried through.
- All the AP essays
- When we had to rely on the computers and
they failed.
- Trying to fit in labs for Physics C
- Did not have enough hands on labs.
- Doing stuff when she was not here.
- A.P. essays!
- Having to learn from the net. People like
Jim should have been used while you were in Phoenix
- I had no complaint.
- Not staying on a topic long enough, jumping
from subject to subject.
- I feel like I go gipped (sp?) out of part of
my education because creating the website took so much time and energy out of Mrs. Colwell
that she didnt have enough left for us.
- Not having enough time.
- Overuse of computers (ex. Everything done on
- Learning when we had no teacher
- Quizzes on computer, not enough labs.
- I have no least favorite it was a fun
educational year.
- Still having to write out homework it is
easier to type.
- Individual quiz taking.
- Taking written tests by ourselves. No one
did too good on those
- N/A
- I dont have a least favourite aspect.
- The class was hard at times because I am not
a visual learner if I have to picture things I havent seen.
- Test.
- Memorizing equations
- Stupid partners on quizes
- Get more standardized, comfortable stools,
- Doing work on paper
- Free fall diagrams
- The very beginning of the year
- When the network went down and it was before
a test (the day before)
- Free fall
- None in particular!
- Free Body Diagrams
- When the page went down
- Taking notes maybe they should be
provided on the site also
- A lot of quizzes.
- The final exam
- When the computer fails to do what is
- Not having access to the site at home
- Formulas & laws.
- My least favorite aspect was having to leave
this class.
- My least favorite aspect of the class this
year when we had to learn Newton and Keplers Laws.
- Doing almost everything on the computer. I
dont know much about computers, so it made it kind of hard. Sometimes it was hard to
keep up
- Math equations.
- Doing worksheets on the computer.
- I liked everything
- Homework, because of the time aspect.
- Having a long lesson from Mrs. Colwell, even
though she is a good teacher!!
- Getting a days lesson crammed in the last 20
minutes of class.
- Vocab worksheets done on paper
- All the math involved w/physics
- Watching little movies, on the computer.
- Didnt have one
- Uncomfortable stools
- The classwork that was supposed to be
classwork that turned into homework. Bummer!
- Attendance
- Im not sure
- Physics.
- Taking tests alone
- Not being able to work at my own pace
- Understanding information in a "lecture
set-up" of class and failing Internet Quizzes.
- Figuring out some of the homework problems
- Not having more math help on the computer
- Missing so much if you got sick and missed
- Nothing, everything was hunky doory
- The work
- Everything was great.
- The speeches and taking notes
- Nothing
- Used of the books
- I didnt have a least favorite, this
was probably my favorite class.
- Too much computers
- Bookwork
- Making workbook pages
- I had not problems with my class.
- My least favorite aspect this year was the
fact that Physics II didnt require or didnt include as many labs as I had the
previous year in Physics I.
- Nothing, I like it all.
- The fact that my physics class was 7th
period, the last period of the day. After sitting through 6 51 minute classes that were
exceptionally boring, I discovered that my attention span for a class like Physics was
alarmingly shorter than when I last checked.
- Labs
- The book work that we had.
- The tests on paper. Most were difficult and
when I took the Intranet quizzes, I had a partner who could help me.
- Everyone was always so stressed out.
I sometimes wished things would calm down and run smooth.
- My least favorite aspect of the class was
the hard homework assignments.
- All that work!!!
- Im not a big science person anyway,
but I had a particularly hard time grasping concepts. The math I have no problem with
its the concepts.
- Not understanding the Physics.
- Independent tests!!
- My least favorite aspect was homework
- There was no imparticular "least
favorite" aspect, but I wouldve liked more examples of the actually math behind
some of the homework problems.
- Tests, they were hard.
- All the equations we had to memerize.
- The labs and tests, because they were
- Not understanding some of the sections.
- Sometimes the stools gave you back pain.
Still have something on your mind?
- I would have liked a more personal
interaction between the teacher & student.
- All in all, the Physics Lab was an excellent
idea this year, it was very helpful for students who were willing to make it useful. After
all computers are very important these days, because in the future that is probably will
be all that is around.
- Nothing else!
- I would just suggest more pictures and more
teacher-student (one on one) study. Give pre-test.
- On occasions switch the partners for
quizzes. I was stuck with a very very slow person a lot and I hated it.
- I love you, Mrs. Colwell. Thank you for
teaching so well.
- Love the PhysicsLab on Intranet
- The computers would be more helpful if you
still had the full attention of the teacher
but we didnt
- It is important to remember that a machine
can not answer specific questions that I had. I had to wait 15-20 minutes for class to
start (to fix the computers) and by then my attention span was gone. Computers will never
take the place of teachers, because some people (like me) do not like interacting with a
grey box. As a learning expierence.
- The computer is a very good thing! Keep it
- Not really
- No!
- The PhysicsLab is a great idea It
really helps to understand and makes it easy to get homework assignments.
- Instead of lectures, perhaps the students
could read the material on the site, then do the assignment, the teacher would basically
be on hand to answer questions. Also what about a glossary of important terms, with key
words in a lesson linked to their definition of background information.
- This is a great class!!
- I think you should keep having
students do a web-site, to do more of the computer stuff & work out the book to put
into the wed-site. And also to learn more on computer programs.
- I think making the websites was a great
idea. It was fun and instructional. I learned more on making my website than I ever could
have out of a book. I dont think making the workbook pages was very helpful at
anything. I didnt learn anything from them, or even how to use the program. I
already knew how.
- CP workbook I enjoyed making them
I learned about art programs. Websites didnt learn much physics making
them, but learned computer skills.
- I am a second year Physics student, math has
not been a good subject for me until now, so my first year in Physics I struggled through
my Honors Physics I class barely getting Bs in class. With the help of Physics lab I
went to having the highest grade in my Physics II class. I also credit physics lab to my
improvements in Math. The calandar was helpful to keep me caught up when I was absent, and
my work was almost always turned in on time. I am also an aide for Mrs. Colwell and while
she was absent I was able to help her class prepare for their quizes, just help them keep
up aall together. I think PhysicsLab was an excellent idea in helping improve
everyones grades. I was motivational and I learned a lot.
- I enjoyed learning how to create a web page
by using Front Page. I am also proud to work on a website that will be use nation or
- I really like doing a web page this year
that had to do with physics. It was a good learning experience b/c I learned a whole new
thing about physics and I learned about the making of web pages. I also think that the CP
workbook that we started using on the site is a very helpful group of online worksheets.
- I thought that this was a very fun class. I
felt like it was more a college course because she trusted us to learn the material and
just not feed off of your lab partner.
- I think that the use of computers is a
helpful tool for students, but I believe that they will never and should never take the
place of real teachers. Teachers are the thing that makes learning possible.
- The coroperative learning really helped me.
When I didnt know an answer my partner almost always did and vice-versa. Wed
help & teach each other before we answered the question.
May 21, 1998 |